Monday, 17 February 2014

How To Remove All Your Google Web History?

How To Remove All Your Google Web History?

Follow these steps to partially or completely.

  • Step 1: Visit your Google History page at Alternatively, you can click the gear icon  on the upper right corner of a search results page, and then go to Search history.
  • Step 2: Click on the gear  icon again, and then go to Settings.

Step 3: Click on the delete all link. You'll be prompted for a confirmation. Click on Delete all again, and your entire search history is gone!

Step 4 (optional): Click on the Turn off button on the Settings page to stop Google from storing your history again
If you don't want to delete your entire history, you can select individual items from the History main page, and delete them. This, by no means, implies that Google has nothing more to do with your data. They still keep some of your information on their servers for auditing and other such purposes. But at least your personal data is off the line now, and isn't susceptible to leaking out into the wrong hands.

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